The Basque Government subsidizes a project for the optimization of emergency services

Location: Madrid
Date: 1 December, 2022

Getronics has received a grant from the Basque Government for a project for the optimization of emergency services. Funding has been received from the Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment of the Basque Government and from the European Union (ERDF) within the framework of the Hazitek program for the fiscal year 2022 for the development of the project “Integrated and Intelligent Management of Emergency Care Processes” (INURGE).

The project will allow us to achieve the following objectives in the emergency services:

  • Reduce the length of stay in the emergency department by minimizing patient waiting times.
  • Improve the user experience in the emergency department by providing information during the process.
  • Support professionals to capture information before potential patients arrive at the hospital and to be prepared to receive them.
  • Identify low-risk emergency patients who will be automatically scheduled to come to the ED at a time when the appointment will not cause a backlog of patients in the ED block.
  • Reduce time spent by medical professionals on lower-value tasks.
  • Estimate the risk of admission of ED patients to expedite the ED service.
  • Reduce overall ED costs.
  • Optimize resources based on the estimation of the resources to be dedicated.
  • Propose an innovative model based on digital symptom assessment tools, easily scalable to other areas of the healthcare system.

For this purpose, the Getronics project:

  • Will use heterogeneous data from various sources.
  • Will leverage high-potential tools for data ingestion and big data processing, as well as cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) tools.
  • Integrate an intelligent remote assistance system that will include an AI-based conversational assistant for automated urgency management.
  • Provide intuitive and interactive visual analytics tools to study patterns or hypotheses that may emerge.

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