Location: Madrid
Date: 1 December, 2023
The company’s primary goal is to improve its practices both environmentally and socially, as well as in governance.
This committee is part of the company’s global ESG strategy, GetResponsible.
Getronics announced the creation of its Sustainability Committee in Spain to align its sustainability projects with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. This initiative aims to create a positive impact on the environment by reducing the company’s operational environmental footprint, promoting responsible use of resources, fostering equality and diversity, and ensuring ethical standards in business management.

Environmental Objective
Regarding the environment, Getronics aims to closely monitor its carbon footprint generated mainly by office usage, business travel, and Data Center activity. Additionally, the company takes proactive measures to ensure energy efficiency in all equipment used and invests in training all employees to be more aware of their surroundings and how their actions influence the planet. For example, by obtaining ISO 50001: Energy Management or implementing automatic lighting shutdown systems in facilities.
Furthermore, the company has established a task force for the dissemination and training in Green Software, a concept that considers environmental impact when developing new software applications. This not only benefits the environment but also allows clients and users to enjoy technology with lower energy consumption and costs.
“We’ve created a task force composed of experts in different areas of ICT to identify sustainability best practices in each of them (GreenDevOps, GreenCode, GreenInfra, GreenAI…). Our goal is to obtain more resilient and resource-efficient products, resulting in cost savings and a reduced carbon footprint”
comments Rut Palmero, Project Manager and member of the Sustainability Committee
Social Objective
This new Sustainability Committee also places great importance on the social aspect, emphasizing the improvement of well-being and opportunities for its stakeholders, including clients, employees, investors, and the communities in which the company operates.
“We aim to create a positive impact in everything we do. We adhere to fair labor practices and respect human rights while ensuring our suppliers do the same. We place great emphasis on respecting data privacy and security principles, reinforced through policies, guidelines, and training for our own people and external suppliers”
adds Laura García, Director of Talent and Culture and committee member.
Getronics is an employer that offers equal opportunities and recognizes the value of having an inclusive and diverse work environment. Additionally, it cares about the communities in which it operates and endeavors to support their development through community donation initiatives, volunteering, creating second-chance programs, and supporting young talent with the inclusion of over 80 interns for their entry into the local job market.
Good Governance Objective
For the business’s development, it’s crucial to have policies that build trust both internally and with society at large. Therefore, Getronics’ management is based on the following commitments: transparency, respect for the interests of different stakeholders, adherence to the rule of law and human rights, and ethical behavior.
GetResponsible ESG Report
Globally, the multinational launched its second materiality assessment exercise during the second quarter of 2022 to understand the importance of its ESG issues for its stakeholders and its business. These reports seek to initially understand and subsequently create an action plan to improve the company’s impact in the three areas covered by ESG: environment, social, and good governance.