“The technology sector around the world is booming and finding itself facing new challenges on a regular basis. I see many companies going through an unstoppable digital transformation, and we decided to take this great opportunity at Cloud Expo Europe to showcase the No-Code Cloud Platform,” says Philip Hoegee, Global Head of Cloud Services at Getronics.

Getronics participated at Cloud Expo Europe in Frankfurt to network and exchange ideas with investors, developers, communicators, and companies from all industries.
At the event, Getronics presented its cloud platform as a service “No-Code Cloud“, which will be one of the most important trends for 2023 according to the report on cloud-based services published by Gartner in December 2022.
We spoke with Philip Hoegee to delve into No-Code Cloud and the benefits the platform offers.
What is No-Code Cloud?
NCC is the combination of two of the most important technological developments in recent years: the cloud and no-code solutions. It is designed for organizations that need to create enterprise workflow automations, develop new applications, enhance existing applications, and integrate with legacy and third-party systems.
The digital world is changing so rapidly that organizations are forced to build applications and modernize them on a regular basis. The daily challenge is to update legacy software while incorporating new technologies, evolving programming languages, frameworks, and infrastructures.
What are the benefits of NCC?
Until now, the transformations depended on software developers creating tools to satisfy the needs -always in evolution- of the different areas of an organization. With NCC, the leaders of a multitude of industries can participate in the development of new digital solutions.
Just to mention some advantages:
- Allows you to speed up application development and workflow automation up to 10 times more than traditional technologies.
- Integrates seamlessly with legacy and third-party systems.
- Allows a flexible development adjusted to the specificities of the business.
- And it reduces the resources needed for development since by accelerating the process, companies can see the cost and return much faster.
What is the alliance between Getronics and WEM about?
Cloud is at the center of any digital transformation strategy today and according to Gartner research, by 2027, Cloud computing will not only be a technological approach for delivering applications but will also serve as the key driver of business innovation, including AI, IoT, and quantum computing, for instance.
Having understood the value of rapid cloud-native digital transformation to business globally, Getronics and WEM decided on a strategic partnership and jointly develop a unique platform offering that transforms the way businesses operate, enabling organizations to achieve unparalleled business outcomes in a secure fashion.
We have combined the intuitive WEM Enterprise No-Code development platform with the guarantee and expertise of Getronics’ secure-by-design cloud approach and principles to create a powerful and scalable platform as a service (PaaS) to accelerate companies’ digital transformation without writing a single line of code.
At Getronics, we have a lot of experience with strategic partners. The alliance with WEM is an add-on to established partnerships we already have, such as Dell, Microsoft, Cisco, IBM, HPE, VMware, Colt, Palo Alto, and others.
Why have you decided to present No-Code Cloud at Cloud Expo Europe in Frankfurt?
Cloud Expo Europe is one of the largest technology events and the stage for innovation announcements, where experts and executives from all industries gather to discuss and learn about technology trends that will be developed in the coming years.
Our customers around the globe are already reporting incredible results, reduced overhead costs, increased efficiencies, and customer experience with the NCC platform. The technology sector is booming but also finds itself facing significant challenges in many parts of the world. I see many companies in the region going through an unstoppable digital transformation and we decided to take this great opportunity at Cloud Expo Europe in Frankfurt to showcase the No-Code Cloud Platform, concludes Philip Hoegee.
Philip Hoegee is an experienced IT expert, having worked for several IT multinational companies, skilled in IT Strategy, Professional Services, Datacentre & Cloud Management. Since 2021 is the Global Head of Cloud Services for Getronics, based in Amsterdam.