Getronics launches No-Code Cloud to accelerate digital transformation

Location: London
Date: 14 April, 2023

Getronics Editorial Team

Getronics is pleased to announce the availability of its No-Code Cloud offering – by joining forces with WEM No-Code, we offer organizations a secure and reliable platform to execute their digital transformation without writing a single line of code. Already adopted by many large enterprises and governmental organizations around the globe to drive strong business performance, governance, and security KPIs, Getronics’ No-Code Cloud helps to create enterprise-wide workflow automations, build new applications and enhance existing ones.

No Code Cloud Platform

Workflows and applications running on Getronics’ No-Code Cloud can easily be integrated with legacy and third-party systems. Ultimately, Getronics’ No-Code Cloud enables organizations to digitally transform their businesses up to 10 times faster and with a much lower TCO than using traditional IT infrastructures, utilizing a highly scalable, secure, and agnostic platform.

“Businesses nowadays need operational agility, TCO reduction, optimization of productivity, speed to market and efficiency.”

Philip Hoegee, Head of Cloud at Getronics

No-Code Cloud is a managed PaaS offering that delivers the following benefits to its customers:

  1. Automating and optimizing business processes and workflows across the enterprise, increasing operational efficiency while lowering cost.
  2. Uniquely enables the creation of new, or the modernizing of legacy, applications efficiently, launching new products or services 10 times faster compared to traditional development methods, driving agility, and lowering operational risk.
  3. Integrate with 3rd party and legacy systems at high speed, controlling end-to-end business processes effectively.

“Ultimately, NoCodeCloud helps companies increase revenue, increase efficiency by reducing overhead and costs, and become more competitive through innovation while reducing business risk,” continued Hoegee.

“We are excited to embark on this global strategic partnership with Getronics. The Partnership is already bearing fruit with many satisfied customers, reporting incredible value and high ROI.”

Eyal Oster, CEO of WEM No-Code

Improved productivity and costs reduction

Getronics’ NCC provides organizations with a full drag-and-drop visual development environment allowing them to create core applications, microservices and APIs without code. It comes with a full preview functionality, one-click publishing and going live with full DTAP and CICD workflows. As the use of Getronics’ NCC is not limited to IT specialists, collaboration and communication are improved both within teams and between teams, allowing them to share data and work together on projects in real time.

Reliability, Security and scalability

The NCC platform offers organizations a highly secure and reliable and scalable PaaS which is used for mission-critical enterprise applications and core systems.